Posted by: lornasass | March 11, 2010


I’m not a big fan of snow so the best thing about winter in New York City is the huge swell of gratitude I feel when the spring warblers start passing through and the early spring posies appear.

A few weeks ago, I had to look hard to find them.  Now, thanks to the last few days of balmy weather, only a few sooty hillocks of snow remain to remind me of last month’s huge snowstorm and, as I ramble around the Central Park Ramble, lots of early spring flowers have popped up in generous clusters.

Last year I caught the snowdrops coming up through the snow.  This year, the snow had melted by the time they appeared to spread good cheer and remind us that the winter is just about over.  Everyone looks so relieved.

Sometimes I wish the snowdrops would straighten up, but that’s being greedy.


  1. thanks for the pretty posies – nothin’ like an ocean of asphalt to heat things up. Seems weird to think of eranthus and Dutch crocus blooming at the same time, but such are the ways of the city!

    (gorgeous crocus photo, btw).

    • So lovely having you name everything! TX for your kind appreciation. I think I’d go nuts w/o the park so nearby, tho the bulbs in my window boxes are starting to look pretty lively as well. Don’t remember what I planted where so fun surprises in store.

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